Friday, 28 February 2014

Confirmed CCA

Dear S102,

By now, all of you should be attending your CCA regularly. Do note that attending CCA is compulsory. You must inform your CCA teachers the reasons for absence if you are absent from CCA, even if you have medical certificates and is not attending school for the day.
Below is the list of confirmed CCA to date:

Homework for 28 Feb

IRS by 2359 hours
thats all! :)

Thursday, 27 February 2014

homework 27 feb

1.IRS worksheet to be completed by tommorow
3.english: complete storybird by tommorow
4.math notes pg 59

level test chinese tomorrow
if i miss anything out, comment down below

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Homework for today

Math pages in workbook, 
Science Worksheet, 
ADMT Logo Design, 
3D structure of blood vessels, 
Science Brochure, 
ICT Brochure 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Homework for 25 Feb 2014

1. Science Worksheet(28 Feb)
2. Chinese Spelling
3. ADMT Logo Design Project
4. Try page 56-59, Math Worksheet
5. Science Google Sketch-up of Blood Vessels (Next Tuesday)

Please say something in the comments if I missed anything out.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Class Goals

1. To stay united as 102
2. To accept one another the way we are
3. To maintain a conducive learning environment
4. To strive for the best in everything we do


1.Google docs
1.Google Sketchup
[Both due next Tues]
1.Notes page 56 to 59
1.On the blog

Friday, 21 February 2014

Homework for today

English compo corrections
Hw on I&E blog
Science hw- due on 28 February (Next Friday)
Science 3D sketch of blood vessels on Google Sketchup
Chinese spelling on Wednesday
Math Topic Reviews (3 of them)
Hw on the math blog- due on Sunday (Algebra)

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Todays HW

Chinese txbk pg 11
Chinese Compo by FRI
Sci Blog Video
Sci google sketchup thing
hw for the day
1.math AA
2.SA math corrections
3.chinese wrk bk
4.el compo corrections
5.sci ws
6. chinese compo
7. admt
8.irs reaseach
terms and conditions : not everything is 100% correct

School Smart Cards (SSC) for Concessionary Travel - Secondary 1 Students (2014)

  1. Dear S102,

    The School Smart Cards (SSC) for Secondary 1 students will be delivered to all schools between 10 February – 26 February 2014 to meet the expiry deadline on the use of the Primary level SSCs by Secondary 1 students till end April 2014.

    You are required to activate the card at the TransitLink Ticket Office /TransitLink Concession Card Replacement Centre /Passenger Services Centres at the MRT / Bus Interchanges by topping-up the value (minimum top-up value is $5) for the card before the SSCs can be used for concessionary travel.

    Thank you.

    Audrey Tan 

Secondary 1 Breakfast Meetings with School Leaders

Dear S102,

Please remind your parents that the school will be organising a series of Breakfast Meetings with the Principal and Vice-Principals in Term 1.

Please register HERE

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the meetings as they serve as a platform and opportunity to enculturate and engage Secondary 1 parents. Parents can expect updates on school information such as the school's expectations of SST students and rationale of school policies. These meetings also provide parents with an opportunity to obtain feedback on the general progress of their child so far.

The briefings will take place at Learning Oasis 2 on the 26 February 2014 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.

Thank you.

Audrey Tan

Monthly Principal's Letter to Parents

Dear S102,

Can you please advise your parents to check the Monthly Principal's Letter to Parents for school events. This would allow them to know in advance the possible school events and plan their schedule if necessary.

The monthly letter will be made available on several platforms of our SST website, in line with our "Go Green" initiative:

Thank you.

Audrey Tan

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Today's HW

Chinese Compo Due By Friday
Maths Alternative Assessment due Friday
Study for EL Level Test
ADMT Logos
ICT Brochure
Chinese WB

Monday, 17 February 2014

Today's Homework

1) Maths Alternative Assessment (Viva Voce)
2) Science Worksheet Pg 4&5
3) IRS Research Stuff
4) Chinese Spelling
5) Chinese Compo (Due Friday)
6) I&E Blog Posts
7) El Level Test
8) ADMT Logo

1.math AA by fri
2.sci ws pg 4and 5
3.chinese compo by fri
4.irs research
5.i and e blog post
6.el level test
7.admt logo +portfolo
8.chinese spelling
not all dates given

Sunday, 16 February 2014

(14/02/14) Friday's Homework

I&E Principles Post ADMT Logo Design Math Viva Voce Alternative Assessment IH Worksheet to be completed as well

Friday, 14 February 2014

Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Group Members: Justin Lim, Moon Gijoo, Zhu Zhan Yuan

If every Singaporean doesn't care about the county, the country will break down.

Total Defence


Question: Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Answer: Singapore is our homeland. Singapore has given us a place to stay, and every single one of us ought to protect and contribute in every way we can in return. Thus, if we do not protect Singapore    well, there will be no more Singapore to return to. If we all contribute, we could also make Singapore a better place.

Done by: Fyodor Lee(6) and Javier Yeo(8)

Total Defence Question

Done by: Woon Yoke Xuan, Celest Oon, Janice Tan and Kay Sandy Maung

Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Every Singaporean is responsible for him or herself and we have to learn how to take care of our loved ones in an emergency.

Question for class blog

Question: Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Answer: It is because Singapore is a small and vulnerable country, it is prone to attacks from other countries hence, in order to protect our country we should be vigilant at all times to prevent other countries from killing us.

Why is it important for total defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

1. If others Singaporeans see people not participating in some sectors of singapore,it will affect everyone's psychology.

2.So that if  a crisis really happens,everyone will be prepared.

3.So that we have many different type of people with different experience,we will have more of a chance to survive in a crisis

Done by: Joshua Chua,Joel Tio And Nigel Tan 

Total Defence Day

Done by Richman, Jerry and Dominic
Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

They will know the hardships of our forefathers and will know what to do when situations like this happen. They will also understand what is Total Defence Day and appreciate all the hard work that their forefathers did for them.

Question for class blog

Question: Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector of society?

Answer: It is because Singapore is a small and vulnerable country, it is prone to attacks from other countries hence, in order to protect our country we should be vigilant at all times to prevent other countries from killing us.

Why is it important for Total Defence to involve every Singaporean and every sector society

Because Singapore is a very small and vulnerable country thus we need everybody to work together as one to stay vigilant to prevent any disasters, to keep Singapore safe and sound.
done by: Elgin, Owen, Joshua yew and Wong Kang

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Home work for 13-2-14

.IRS Presentation

.Math viva voce practice2
.Math AA by next friday

.Science worksheet by tomorrow.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Math pg 42,43,44 on math notes on Imac or printed notes
Science homework worksheet do all due on friday
IH project due on friday
Extra:GF programme form

Morning Assembly arrangement on 13 February 2014 (Thursday)

Dear S102,

Tomorrow's Morning Assembly will be held in the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH).

Please report to the MPH punctually for the morning assembly.
Thank you.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Homework for today

1. Chinese spelling 2. 
2. Chinese workbook pg 1 to 12. don't do pg 5.
3. Chinese workbook correction.
1. Math notes pg 40 and pg 42
1. science homework paper: transport in humans
1. GF programme form

Monday, 10 February 2014

Homework for 10-02-2014


  English Language:
   1. Complete personal recount detailed planning.

   1. Do maths study notes pg.36, question 4 and 6.

  Health Science:
   1. Finish and revise homework worksheet on 'Digestion & Cellular Respiration in Humans'.

  Chinese Language:
   (I don't know...sorry...)

Rearrangement of tables on 12 Feb (Wednesday)

Dear S102,

As our classroom will be used for CWSAP Conference this coming Wednesday (12 Feb) afternoon, please rearrange the classroom in the layout shown below before you are dismissed. Place the extra furniture at the back of the classroom neatly.

Thank you.

Audrey Tan

Saturday, 8 February 2014

save the link below for all the common sites you will go to this year

Friday, 7 February 2014

Homework for 7/2/14

English Compo Planning

Finish IH iBook 

Math check the blog

2014 Level Test 1

Dear S102,

Your level test 1 is coming round the corner. Below is the schedule. Do prepare for the level test in advance. All the best for your coming assessment.

CCA Allocation

Dear S102,

This is the list of CCA that you are allocated here. Do ensure that you attend your CCA starting from 10 Feb 2014 (the coming monday).

Thank you.

Audrey Tan

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Homework for 6th Feb

Do maths notes page 33
For english do the indirect characterisation
Chinese 看新闻,谈感想 due next wednesday
A 什么新闻                                     B三个词汇
为何选则新闻                                  两则新闻
这新闻对我有什么影响                   一个感想

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

homework for 5th feb

Other than the homework below, there's no homework!!!!!!!!!!!!

homework for 5th Feb

Homework 5th Feb
Science watch the video on lab procedures for tomorrow
IH do the ibooks homework
Chinese 看新闻,谈感想 due next wed
A 什么新闻                                     B三个词汇
为何选则新闻                                  两则新闻
这新闻对我有什么影响                   一个感想
English write about the brother sister mother assignment due Sunday

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Homework for 4/2/2014

- viva voce

- do homework assigned on math blog

- bring IH textbook for IH lessons

- finish sketch of rainforest and upload on iBook

-chinese cinderella worksheets

-chinese presentation

-ADMT logo 

-science blog


sign chinese spelling (some)